Some examples of places we can visit:
Utö is the southernmost inhabited island in Finland. The island is home to about 35 people all year round. The specialty of the island lighthouse is the church just below the lighthouse light. On the island you will find shop, café, hotel and lighthouse.

Gullkronas maritime history dates back to the 18th century. It was once along a shipping lane and traditionally, the islanders have earned their livelihood from fishing and piloting. Now days aren´t anybody living on the island all year round. During the summer time you will find a museum, café and guest harbor on the island.

Högsåra is a beautiful island, a historical pilots’ village and a living archipelago village in the western archipelago of Kimitoön, the Finnish Archipelago Sea.
The village’s oldest wooden house is from the 18th century. Sandy beaches, red wooden houses, sheep and cattle together form a warm and welcoming environment for visitors interested in archipelago life
Farmors Café in Högsåra is a place to visit every summer.